After quietly experimenting with long range weather forecasting all summer and meeting with success, the United States Weather Bureau announces that it is ready to enter upon a new departure by predicting weather conditions in advance for periods of several days at a time, supplementing the regular twenty-four hour bulletins of the Weather Bureau.
A man
, known amongst reformers in England for his broad ideals and earnest efforts for the sake of humanity, wrote some years ago in a reformers' paper to the effect that the story of Jesus Christ was "a beautiful myth.
his translation of the Bible into modern English, Ferrar Fenton, the English linguist and scholar, ascribes the authorship of the Books of Joshua, Judges, I Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings to Isaiah.
The picture of The Mother Church and its Extension which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
John L. Rendall
with contributions from Christlieb
Christian Scientists are endeavoring to attain to that spiritual-mindedness in which they find the only guarantee of safety from the perplexities of the human or mortal sense of things.
members of the Publication Committee are requested to send to the editor of the Sentinel clippings of all their letters and articles which appear in the press, also clippings of other newspaper articles and editorials which mention Christian Science in an interesting way.
of the emphasis which its teachings give to the healing of the sick, Christian Science has been regarded by some of its critics as merely a means of curing bodily ills, and to such its true spiritual animus is unknown.
story of the call of the Galilean fisherman to the Christian ministry, as told in the fourth chapter of Mathew, is characterized by great simplicity and suggestiveness.
After being treated for several years by a number of doctors and not receiving any help, I was finally obliged to leave my work and remain idle nearly three months.
I have ere this told how I was healed by Christian Science of a throat trouble of years' standing, after receiving no particular benefit from medical treatment and after having been to various places in search of health.
vault of heaven, how blue and vast you are!And hoary mountains—steadfast stand ye yet!The trees, the flowers, the distant watchful star—On you I gaze enraptured and forgetThe sordid sense of separation.
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