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The Divine Refuge
A widely-circulated newspaper, in commenting upon the recent experiences in San Francisco, says, "There is nothing surprising in the report that health is better in San Francisco than ever before. Nor need we wonder that many cases of dyspepsia, torpid liver, and even paralysis are, some of them cured entirely, some greatly improved. The health officers think it is because of open-air life, the return to nature, etc.
"But we are not obliged to believe that. Is it not more probable that the invalid got well because he was given something else to think about? In San Francisco the something else was so shocking, so terrible that it drove all else out of the mind, and when the poor things dropped their little miseries out of their minds to make room for the greater, the physical miseries correspondent thereto dropped out of the flesh.
"This is not science. It is only speculation, or may be common sense. Anyhow the San Francisco sick folks are getting better and we ought to be thankful for them."
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June 9, 1906 issue
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"One thing thou lackest."
Christian Science in Business
The Consciousness of Good
The Fallacy of Pantheism
Bartow A. Ulrich
In considering the charge of inconsistency made by your...
David B. Ogden
Christian Science maintains that the birth, life, crucifixion,...
Charles A. Varey
Christian Scientists do not condemn or criticise other...
Royal D. Stearns with contributions from George MacDonald
Among the Churches
with contributions from N. F. Adams, Mabel A. Tyrrell, Lawrence M. Pixeey
The Lectures
with contributions from G. W. Case, Dan R. Sheen, Clark M. Young, T. J. Black
Notice to the Contributors to the Building Fund
Stephen A. Chase
The Extension of The Mother Church
Archibald McLellan
The Divine Refuge
Annie M. Knott
"Now is the accepted time."
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from George R. Christie, Mary E. Newton, Elizabeth C. Burchard, Amanda J. Baird, Harvey S. Denton, Edward Everett Norwood
Common gratitude would make me acknowledge a...
Frank Roberts
Ten years ago I had a very bad cough, with expectoration,...
Charles E. Bond
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of my healing...
Elizabeth T. Archer
Two years ago I was doing practically all the composition...
Agnes Henderson
One day I stepped on a rusty nail, which buried itself in...
Hannah S. Collver
At the age of thirteen I had to leave school, owing to ill...
Gussie L. Hammond
Before applying for Christian Science treatment I was...
Sara B. Frasier
From our Exchanges
with contributions from F. W. Walker Pugh, James D. Moffat, Oswald Garrison Villard