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It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of my healing...
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of my healing through Christian Science. I had been a delicate child, and as the years passed I grew more so. I suffered almost continually from bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, and other ailments. For ten years I was a great sufferer; treatment from three of the best physicians of San Antonio giving me only temporary relief. All said that I would never be a well woman. In 1898 I was confined to my bed, and any motion caused sinking-spells. Five good physicians were called in at different times, and all agreed that my trouble was aneurism of the aorta. One, our family physician for twelve years, advised my going to Chicago for an operation, saying I had at most only a few years of miserable existence, and that I was liable to die at any moment. Others said an operation would be useless, that no honest physician would try it. My husband had passed on a few months before, leaving me with four children to care for.
I had been a Bible student from childhood, and an active member of an orthodox church for many years. One night as I read my Bible I came to where the leper asked Jesus to heal him. The thought then came that God could heal me if He would, and this thought stayed with me. A great desire was ever present to go to San Antonio, so all arrangements were made, and my will was written in case I did not return alive. My daughter wrote to a friend in San Antonio, telling her my condition and what the doctors had said. She replied that every preparation would be made but that I would not die; I would have Christian Science treatment and get well. I knew nothing of it, but I seemed to see a faint ray of hope. A few hours after arriving, a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, was given me to read. What a revelation! I read almost day and night, and in a few days I was able to sit up and dress myself. I then had three weeks' treatment, and during the last week called upon my friends, telling them the wonderful good tidings,—that the Christ is with us to-day, to heal.
I am a perfectly well woman, have not had a physician or a dose of medicine for myself or four children since April, 1898. I can walk miles; run up and down stairs; do any housework necessary, and require very little sleep or rest. The fruits of Spirit are joy and peace; these I have in living daily the truth as taught by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy.
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June 9, 1906 issue
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"One thing thou lackest."
Christian Science in Business
The Consciousness of Good
The Fallacy of Pantheism
Bartow A. Ulrich
In considering the charge of inconsistency made by your...
David B. Ogden
Christian Science maintains that the birth, life, crucifixion,...
Charles A. Varey
Christian Scientists do not condemn or criticise other...
Royal D. Stearns with contributions from George MacDonald
Among the Churches
with contributions from N. F. Adams, Mabel A. Tyrrell, Lawrence M. Pixeey
The Lectures
with contributions from G. W. Case, Dan R. Sheen, Clark M. Young, T. J. Black
Notice to the Contributors to the Building Fund
Stephen A. Chase
The Extension of The Mother Church
Archibald McLellan
The Divine Refuge
Annie M. Knott
"Now is the accepted time."
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from George R. Christie, Mary E. Newton, Elizabeth C. Burchard, Amanda J. Baird, Harvey S. Denton, Edward Everett Norwood
Common gratitude would make me acknowledge a...
Frank Roberts
Ten years ago I had a very bad cough, with expectoration,...
Charles E. Bond
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of my healing...
Elizabeth T. Archer
Two years ago I was doing practically all the composition...
Agnes Henderson
One day I stepped on a rusty nail, which buried itself in...
Hannah S. Collver
At the age of thirteen I had to leave school, owing to ill...
Gussie L. Hammond
Before applying for Christian Science treatment I was...
Sara B. Frasier
From our Exchanges
with contributions from F. W. Walker Pugh, James D. Moffat, Oswald Garrison Villard