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Items of Interest
The members of the Supreme Court of the United States attended the dinner given on the 31st inst. to the retiring member of that court, Associate Justice Henry B. Brown, by the Bar Association of the District of Columbia. The occasion was especially notable in that the guests were made up of representatives of the three branches of the Government—executive, legislative, and judicial. The President, Vice President, three members of the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Speaker of the House, and the more eminent lawyers of the Senate and House made an impressive array of legal ability and political power. Recalling the pleasure which he had in a record of thirty years upon the bench, the retiring justice said with great reverence: "I have noticed that if you examine the opinions of any one judge upon any particular subject you will find a particular through underlying them all. I have left the bench with a profound reverence for the Constitution of the United States as the greatest constructive legislation ever accomplished."
At the Lake Mohonk Peace Convention the following resolution and comment was presented by the Massachusetts Board of Trade:—
Resolved, That in the judgment of the Massachusetts State Board of Trade the time has come when by treaty neutral zones should be established from the ports of North America to the ports of Great Britain and Ireland, and the continent of Europe, within which zones, steamships and sailing vessels in the conduct of lawful commerce shall be free to pass without interruption.
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June 9, 1906 issue
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"One thing thou lackest."
Christian Science in Business
The Consciousness of Good
The Fallacy of Pantheism
Bartow A. Ulrich
In considering the charge of inconsistency made by your...
David B. Ogden
Christian Science maintains that the birth, life, crucifixion,...
Charles A. Varey
Christian Scientists do not condemn or criticise other...
Royal D. Stearns with contributions from George MacDonald
Among the Churches
with contributions from N. F. Adams, Mabel A. Tyrrell, Lawrence M. Pixeey
The Lectures
with contributions from G. W. Case, Dan R. Sheen, Clark M. Young, T. J. Black
Notice to the Contributors to the Building Fund
Stephen A. Chase
The Extension of The Mother Church
Archibald McLellan
The Divine Refuge
Annie M. Knott
"Now is the accepted time."
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from George R. Christie, Mary E. Newton, Elizabeth C. Burchard, Amanda J. Baird, Harvey S. Denton, Edward Everett Norwood
Common gratitude would make me acknowledge a...
Frank Roberts
Ten years ago I had a very bad cough, with expectoration,...
Charles E. Bond
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of my healing...
Elizabeth T. Archer
Two years ago I was doing practically all the composition...
Agnes Henderson
One day I stepped on a rusty nail, which buried itself in...
Hannah S. Collver
At the age of thirteen I had to leave school, owing to ill...
Gussie L. Hammond
Before applying for Christian Science treatment I was...
Sara B. Frasier
From our Exchanges
with contributions from F. W. Walker Pugh, James D. Moffat, Oswald Garrison Villard