who approve and countersign applications will assist the Clerk, and also avoid disappointment to applicants, if they will hold until after the Annual Meeting the applications which have been sent to them for their signature at a date too late to reach the Clerk before the closing of the entries for admission, also notify them that their applications were too late to be entered.
has been appointed to find rooms for those attending the June meetings of The Mother Church, and this Committee will be able to provide rooms for all visitors.
student of acoustics speedily learns that the air waves which have contributed to his sense of sound represent but a very small fraction of the tonal scale which he would be able to hear were his aural sensitiveness more refined, and in a kindred way students of Christian Science soon realize that they can apprehend the truths of the universe about them only in the measure of their spiritual perception, and that as yet they have compassed but a trifling arc of that perfect circle of divine manifestation which it is theirs to apprehend as they awaken to the truth of being.
About two years ago Christian Science was brought to my notice, and after reading some Sentinels, I purchased a copy of Science and Health and began reading it at every opportunity which I could find, but being a traveling man my time was pretty well occupied.
Since coming into Christian Science, ten years ago, the truth has been our only physician, and I rejoice because I have found what I had so long been looking for, that is, a practical religion.
I was brought up in an orthodox church, but the time came when I was a great sufferer, with many ills, yet trying to be resigned to what my religion had taught me to be the will to God.
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