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No one can complacently dismiss Christian Science because...
Bethlehem (Pa.) Times
No one can complacently dismiss Christian Science because it fails to coincide with established theological views. Christian Science is not theological in the common acceptance of the term. On the contrary it is practically demonstrable. Jesus said, "Believe me for the very works' sake." His followers in Christian Science re-utter, these words in behalf of their faith.
Our critic objects to this teaching because it violates tradition—because it revives the charge that "faith without works is dead." Let us lay aside the dry bones of old beliefs, and look the needs of humanity fairly and squarely in the face. Is the conscientious physician of to-day wholly satisfied with the results which his system of healing affords? Is the hard-working pastor of his flock, in these days of evil's apparent supremacy, content with the results of his work for humanity? All who labor in behalf of others have common cause in this matter, and should welcome whatever reasonable effort is made towards overcoming this lack of results.
The Moravian Church, of which our critic is an honored member, annually commemorates the martydom of John Huss and other early Christian workers. Does he forget that Huss was burned only because other Christian critics charged him with heresy? Is not his criticism of Christian Scientists of the same species of attack?
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January 27, 1906 issue
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A Memorable Occasion Recalled
Waldo P. Warren
Understanding Gained
Shut the Door
Little Cities
J. A.
Our Handiwork
Anon with contributions from Emerson
No one can complacently dismiss Christian Science because...
Albert E. Miller
Christian Science plants itself unreservedly on the side...
Ezra W. Palmer
Christian Science treatment establishes in the consciousness...
R. Stanhope Easterday
The Lectures
with contributions from J. B. Harsh, Frank B. Stephens, G. Warre Cornish, H. A. Crooks, J. A. Barris, E. C. Kennedy, J. H. Phillips
Amendment to Church By-law
"Christian Science and Legislation."
Archibald McLellan
"Do thyself no harm."
John B. Willis
"The word of truth."
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Sidney Rosenthal, Irving C. Tomlinson, C. H., A. C. E. Gibbs, John T. Wood, George B. Jacobs, Isaac H. Quinby
Our baby boy, now two years old, was born strong and...
Clement, Sarah Coleman
Over a year ago I had a very helpful demonstration in...
Miriam R. Foss
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I give this...
Alice A. Votaw
I was healed through Christian Science treatment, about...
L. K. P. Vaill
For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak lungs,...
Lettie M. St. Clair
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Ellen Swensen with contributions from Margaret Stokes Patton
It is a little over eight years since Christian Science...
Margaret Stokes Patton
I feel that it is not right for me to delay longer in sending...
Virginia R. Raum
Something over a year ago I was stricken very suddenly...
Martha F. Alderson
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Wentworth F. Stewart, James Morris Whiton, Alex. F. Irvine
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase