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For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak lungs,...
For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak lungs, and after being treated by ten different physicians, in the States of Illinois, Missouri, and Colorado, I was told there was no hope of my recovery from what they pronounced tuberculosis, which was hereditary, my father having been afflicted with it. I was greatly emaciated and hardly able to be about. My general condition was aggravated by what the doctors said was paralysis of the bowels. Three physicians so diagnosed it at different times, and assured my husband that I could never get more than temporary relief. This indeed I found difficult to obtain, in spite of my almost frantic efforts. At times I was nearly insane from suffering, and after eight years of doctoring I found myself steadily growing worse. For four years I did not have a normal action of the bowels, and it was only by extreme effort and by resort to powerful drugs or mechanical means, with resultant suffering, that any action whatever could be brought about.
I had heard nothing of the curative power of Christian Science, and only to oblige a friend I went one night, about three years ago, to one of their mid-week testimonial meetings, in Boulder, Colorado. I was much impressed by what I heard there, and determined at once to investigate this strange religion, in the hope that it might have something good for me. I bought the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and began its study. From the first I found myself growing stronger and better, both physically and mentally, as I acquired a better understanding and endeavored to put into practice what I learned. In one week I was able to get along better without drugs than I had for years with them, and before three months had passed I was better than I had been any time in my life, for I had always suffered more or less from bowel trouble. Since that time I have taken no medicine whatever, and rely wholly upon Christian Science. My lungs are now sound, my bowels normally active, my general health excellent, and I am able to endure without fatigue tasks that before would have prostrated me.
The reading and study of our text-book was the sole means of my healing.
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January 27, 1906 issue
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A Memorable Occasion Recalled
Waldo P. Warren
Understanding Gained
Shut the Door
Little Cities
J. A.
Our Handiwork
Anon with contributions from Emerson
No one can complacently dismiss Christian Science because...
Albert E. Miller
Christian Science plants itself unreservedly on the side...
Ezra W. Palmer
Christian Science treatment establishes in the consciousness...
R. Stanhope Easterday
The Lectures
with contributions from J. B. Harsh, Frank B. Stephens, G. Warre Cornish, H. A. Crooks, J. A. Barris, E. C. Kennedy, J. H. Phillips
Amendment to Church By-law
"Christian Science and Legislation."
Archibald McLellan
"Do thyself no harm."
John B. Willis
"The word of truth."
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Sidney Rosenthal, Irving C. Tomlinson, C. H., A. C. E. Gibbs, John T. Wood, George B. Jacobs, Isaac H. Quinby
Our baby boy, now two years old, was born strong and...
Clement, Sarah Coleman
Over a year ago I had a very helpful demonstration in...
Miriam R. Foss
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I give this...
Alice A. Votaw
I was healed through Christian Science treatment, about...
L. K. P. Vaill
For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak lungs,...
Lettie M. St. Clair
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Ellen Swensen with contributions from Margaret Stokes Patton
It is a little over eight years since Christian Science...
Margaret Stokes Patton
I feel that it is not right for me to delay longer in sending...
Virginia R. Raum
Something over a year ago I was stricken very suddenly...
Martha F. Alderson
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Wentworth F. Stewart, James Morris Whiton, Alex. F. Irvine
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase