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Items of Interest
Specifications and drawing for the lighthouse and station which Congress has authorized Albert S. Eells and associates of Boston to construct at Diamond Shoals, off Cape Hatteras, have been filed at the office of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. The plans have been referred to the Government Lighthouse Board for approval. The actgrants $750,000 for the builders, if they succeed, in accordance with their plane, in erecting and successfully operating the light for one year, before 1909.
With a view to prevent the destruction of the natural beauty of Niagara Falls by electric power companies which seek to divert the waters of Niagara River, thousands of letters are pouring into the State Department. The writers most part, to the President, who refers them to the State Department. The writers ask that the Canadian and American Governments take some action for the preservation of the Falls.
A despatch received from Minister Rockhill indicates that the anti-American boycott is losing strength. The relinquishment of the Canton-Hankow railroad to China, it is belived, has had a great effect for good upon the boycott. The imperial edict issued against the boycott is believed to be a direct mark of appreciation on the part of the Chinese Government.
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September 16, 1905 issue
View Issue-
A False Sense of God Destroyed
The Lesson-Sermon and Its Reading
God Known as Principle
An Extract from a Letter
A. T. M.
The Eternal Now
The Lectures
with contributions from Martha Sutton Thompson, Governor Cummins
Christian Science at the Capital
Vinton A. Holbrook with contributions from Martineau
"The things that be Caesar's"
Archibald Mclellan
"Confess your sins"
Annie M. Knott
Watching vs. Watching Out*
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Marjorie Colles, Florence E. Burtis, William R. Knox, Geo. M. Clough, Magdalena Pfeiffer, Mary Spargo Fraser
Although my parents had been Christian Scientists for...
William A. Partridge with contributions from J. T. Morris
I have known of Christian Science for rather more than...
Caroline B. Getty
Until about three years ago, I suffered from frequent...
Willet G. Ranney
As we grow into a realization of the protective power of...
Florence M. Pray
I never remember being without a headache and backache...
Edith S. Darlington
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Agnes R. Hoffinger
I cannot longer withhold an expression of gratitude for...
Sarah O. Bragg
I count it a privilege to give my testimony to the value of...
Minnie E. Woock
I used to be very bigoted with respect to Christian Science,...
Frank L. Elliott
In May, 1891, I first heard of Christian Science
Henry Hazen
I have been helped so much by reading the testimonies...
Charlotte Barker
I first heard of Christian Science in 1898, through a...
I. N. Campbell
I would like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Viola B. Hintjen
The upward look and cry,—yes, more of that we need...
Thomas Starr King
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Carroll D. Wright, John Whitehead
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase