the Lesson-Sermon which is read in the Christian Science churches there is provided an order of service that gives all the advantages of a definite standard, order, and unity of thought; while in the study required to grasp and elucidate the meaning of these Lessons there is a constant call and incentive to original thought and effort, both on the part of the Readers and of the congregation.
The ringing of the chimes in the Christian Science church, last evening, conveyed to the people of Concord generally the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth.
seems necessary, even at the risk of wearying some of our readers, to repeat what has been said in an earlier issue relative to the exploitation of business enterprises in the guise of demonstrations of Christian Science, and the attempts which have been made to secure the financial cooperation of our people in such undertakings.
the earliest times the confession of sin has been taught as a religious duty, and in the Mosaic teaching restitution, sometimes fourfold, was insisted upon.
CHRISTIAN Scientist who through practical experience has become familiar with the variety and abundance of error's seductions, appreciates the significance of the Master's injunction which our Leader has chosen for the motto of the Sentinel, "What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.
In reply to inquiries we will again announce that there is no objection to republishing articles or parts of articles from the Sentinel and Journal, by newspapers or other periodicals.
William A. Partridge
with contributions from J. T. Morris
Although my parents had been Christian Scientists for almost twenty years, I did not accept their religion until a little more than four years ago, when I consented to have Christian Science treatment, only as a last resort, for a case of malignant blood-poisoning.
It is now over four years since my attention was first called to Christian Science through the reading of a case of healing given in a daily paper which I had picked up while in a drug-store waiting for a doctor's prescription to be filled.
I used to be very bigoted with respect to Christian Science, but a relative sent me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and the Sentinel, for a Christmas present.
I have been helped so much by reading the testimonies in the Sentinel, that I wish to tell of a demonstration I had last March in the filling of two front teeth, the first I ever had filled.
The upward look and cry,—yes, more of that we need when we see how prone we are to yield to what we ought to hate, when we feel how strong in our own hearts is the tendency to set up again the passions or the sloth which cannot keep their seats before Christ.
with contributions from Carroll D. Wright, John Whitehead
The growth of a religious spirit in the settlement and adjustment of international affairs, is an evidence that the public conscience is receiving stimulation from some source which leads it on to a reasonable consideration of questions involving international rights, duties, and obligations.
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