"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits...

"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?" This thought has impelled me to write of a demonstration which occurred just one week ago. While preparing our evening meal I had occasion to use the oven, which I lighted as usual, but noticed shortly after that the gas was not burning. I immediately closed the valve and waited a few moments before relighting. As a further precaution I opened the oven door, never thinking of any possibility of ignition from gas burning on the top of the stove. Instantly the flame shot out into my face, singeing eyebrows and lashes. I threw my apron over my head and extinguished the flame at once, but my entire face was burned, and the hair all around the front of my head, as I afterward combed out a handful. For a few moments the pain was intense, but it was overcome very quickly through the application of the knowledge of Truth as taught in Christian Science.

In not over ten minutes, I took my place at the table and ate my dinner, almost entirely free from any sense of suffering. My face has all peeled off, new skin having quickly taken the place of that which was burned, and with the exception of some traces about the eyebrows and lashes, which I know will also be restored, there is little to suggest what might have been a most serious affair. I am confident that nothing but Christian Science could have brought such speedy relief and left me without a scar. I am deeply grateful for the physical help, but oh, the peace and comfort that comes to us from such moments of realization of the nearness and availability of our God, as revealed to us in Christian Science, wherein the Word of Truth does not return unto us void but does accomplish that whereto it is sent.

My earnest desire is so to live that my life may be a constant proof of my sincerity, for this alone can express my love and gratitude to God, and to our faithful Leader.

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Testimony of Healing
Truth dawned on my consciousness in my darkest hours
April 1, 1905

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