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My wife and I became interested in Christian Science...
My wife and I became interested in Christian Science ten years ago, at first through the healing of our daughter of astigmatism, and this circumstance caused me to investigate personally the teachings of Christian Science. Like a great many other people who have dispassionately investigated these teachings, I soon learned that there is nothing whatever in them to justify the impressions and prejudices which I had previously formed with regard to Christian Science and Christian Scientists. At the time our daughter's eyes were treated by a Christian Scientist, who, by the way, is one of the most prominent business men of our country to-day, my wife was in particularly poor health, and our attending family physician, a man of good repute, considered her ailments at this time as practically incurable from a medical standpoint. He thought it best that we should remove from Kansas City, Mo., where we then resided, to some locality possessing, in his opinion, a more healthful climate.
Our daughter's eyes were healed on a Sunday afternoon in May, 1895, and my wife and myself took the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and went to our room that we might carefully investigate what that book contained. We put in from four o'clock Sunday afternoon until one o'clock Monday morning, reading and discussing its teachings, and I want to say, as I have said on other occasions, that we found between the covers of this book the grandest conception of God, the most intelligent explanation of Jesus' life, his teachings and his works, and the highest ideal of manhood ever brought to our consideration. For the first time in our lives did we seem to get that spiritual food,—that bread from heaven,—for which we had hungered, although we had always been members of a church. At the time we were reading Science and Health, this Sunday night, I was wearing glasses on account of astigmatism. Monday morning at the breakfast table I discovered that I no longer needed to wear them as my eyes had been healed in reading this book. Neither my daughter nor myself have ever had any occasion to wear glasses from that time to the present, and neither of us has ever suffered from the headaches which are supposed to attend the difficulty mentioned, where one uses the eyes when so afflicted without glasses.
My wife immediately began a systematic study of the Christian Science text-book and the Bible, because it is a peculiar feature of Christian Science, that in order to be a Christian Scientist one must be a very close student of the Bible,—must constantly study it, and from an entirely different view-point than was ours prior to our becoming interested in Christian Science. Through the enlightenment which is gained from the study of Science and Health, we found that a capacity to read and understand the Bible spiritually is acquired, also a clearer concept of the greatness and grandeur and practical benefit of its lessons, such as never came into our experiences before. During the first twelve months that we were interested in the Science, my wife was healed of that which the physicians considered incurable, and I know not only of a great number of cases wherein diseases incident to a family of four persons have been readily and quickly healed in our family, but I also know of a large number of like instances in the families of my friends, some of whom are Christian Scientists and some of whom are not; those who are not Christian Scientists having gone to a Christian Science practitioner whenever they were ill.
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April 1, 1905 issue
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A Word about Honesty
Judge Not
The Christian Scientist in Business
H. B. H.
Christian Science: a Professional Opinion
C. E. Bowland
Mrs. Paddock says she Owes her Life to Science
A. S. Paddock
Among the Churches
with contributions from C. Q. Smith, O. A. Reed, A. F. Blundell
The Lectures
with contributions from William Somerville, William R. Rathvon
"God is the giver."
Archibald McLellan with contributions from E. Howard Gilkey, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Lida W. Fitzpatrick, A. L. Stevens, Edwin J. Townsend, Mary Price, Ira E. Shroyer, Charles M. Howe
It is a little over a year since I was first brought face...
Elizabeth J. van Zeller
My wife and I became interested in Christian Science...
Ira C. Hubbell
For thirteen years I was almost a confirmed invalid,...
Cora E. Curtis
I was called to see Mrs. Cooper, a lady between sixty-five...
Thomas C. Baird
For some ten or twelve years I had on the back of my...
Chas. S. Klautsheck
It is with pleasure that I tell what Christian Science has...
Samantha J. Horton
I suffered for fifteen years the most intense agony, it...
Lelia M. Conner
In grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings received...
Anne J. Sprague
I became interested in Christian Science about eleven...
Alice J. Gifford
It was in 1889 that I first...
Mary Patton Stewart
"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits...
Fannie Mitchell
Truth dawned on my consciousness in my darkest hours
Mattie Reams
Springtide in the Heart
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase