Minister Bowen at Caracas, acting under instructions, inquired of Venezuela whether she was willing to submit to arbitration on the New York and Bermudez and Critchfield asphalt cases, the case of the expulsion of Editor Jaurett, and the revision of the award made in 1903 to the Orinoco Steamship Company.
statement that a Christian Scientist's religion is applicable to the every-day affairs of the business man, usually arouses, in the minds of those not possessing an understanding of this Science, opposition varying from incredulity to downright condemnation of such a course as being a sacrilegious desecration of sacred things for money-getting.
My star is shining, shining, shining!The sweet, white joy that smiled on meThrough many a brent and thorny path,An arc of braver minstrelsy,And wider wings of radiance, hath.
Lady Victoria Murray, First Reader of the newly erected church in Victoria Park, Manchester, forwards us the following letter, which is sufficiently lucid to speak for itself:—
Since the McMullen bill to prohibit Christian Science healing in Nebraska has been pending in the Senate, having first passed the House, there have been many protests received against its favorable consideration.
In asking that they be given control of the issuance, or refusal to issue, of Christian Science certificates to heal the medical doctors have not professed to know much about prayer.
with contributions from William Somerville, William R. Rathvon
The Ninth Street Temple was filled yesterday afternoon, and those present listened to an eloquent and scholarly statement of the great and advancing cause of Christian Science.
My wife and I became interested in Christian Science ten years ago, at first through the healing of our daughter of astigmatism, and this circumstance caused me to investigate personally the teachings of Christian Science.
For thirteen years I was almost a confirmed invalid, suffering from an injury of the spine caused by a severe jar received when jumping from a carriage, and producing acute inflammation and double curvature of the spine, together with nervous prostration,—announced as such by several physicians, including one specialist.
For some ten or twelve years I had on the back of my neck a large lump, which my physician said was a cyst or small tumor, not dangerous, and removable by the knife or electric needle.
It was in 1889 that I first heard of Christian Science, and that it healed without the aid of materia medica; also that it was the Christ-healing,—the same that Jesus wrought and taught his disciples.
The one important reason for a genuine unity of Christians is expressed by Christ himself when he prayed for his disciples, "that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that thou didst send me, and lovedst them, even as thou lovedst me.
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