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Items of Interest
Minister Bowen at Caracas, acting under instructions, inquired of Venezuela whether she was willing to submit to arbitration on the New York and Bermudez and Critchfield asphalt cases, the case of the expulsion of Editor Jaurett, and the revision of the award made in 1903 to the Orinoco Steamship Company. Her reply is that she is unwilling, claiming that there is nothing to be arbitrated. The cases will now continue to be handled along the usual diplomatic channels.
The work of remarking the forty-ninth parallel as the boundary line between the United States and Canada will be carried forward the coming summer, the American commissioners for that purpose being now in Ottawa for the purpose of arranging the work. This work of restoring boundary line monuments and remarking the line will complete the settlement of boundary questions between the two countries, the greatest of which was the Alaskan dispute.
The United States Circuit Court of Appeals has handed down a decision which, if finally sustained, will mean the refunding by the United States Government of the sum of $5,000,000 to the American Sugar Refining Company for duties paid on raw sugars imported from Cuba in 1903, and upon which the company contended a reduction of twenty per cent should have been allowed under the then existing treaty.
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April 1, 1905 issue
View Issue-
A Word about Honesty
Judge Not
The Christian Scientist in Business
H. B. H.
Christian Science: a Professional Opinion
C. E. Bowland
Mrs. Paddock says she Owes her Life to Science
A. S. Paddock
Among the Churches
with contributions from C. Q. Smith, O. A. Reed, A. F. Blundell
The Lectures
with contributions from William Somerville, William R. Rathvon
"God is the giver."
Archibald McLellan with contributions from E. Howard Gilkey, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Lida W. Fitzpatrick, A. L. Stevens, Edwin J. Townsend, Mary Price, Ira E. Shroyer, Charles M. Howe
It is a little over a year since I was first brought face...
Elizabeth J. van Zeller
My wife and I became interested in Christian Science...
Ira C. Hubbell
For thirteen years I was almost a confirmed invalid,...
Cora E. Curtis
I was called to see Mrs. Cooper, a lady between sixty-five...
Thomas C. Baird
For some ten or twelve years I had on the back of my...
Chas. S. Klautsheck
It is with pleasure that I tell what Christian Science has...
Samantha J. Horton
I suffered for fifteen years the most intense agony, it...
Lelia M. Conner
In grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings received...
Anne J. Sprague
I became interested in Christian Science about eleven...
Alice J. Gifford
It was in 1889 that I first...
Mary Patton Stewart
"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits...
Fannie Mitchell
Truth dawned on my consciousness in my darkest hours
Mattie Reams
Springtide in the Heart
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase