The new American bond for the payment of the Boxer indemnity stipulates that the payment be in the equivalent of gold dollars at the rate of exchange provided for in the protocol, which, according to the American interpretation of the protocol, makes it practically a silver bond.
the many hasty critics of a Christian Science which they do not understand and have never even studied, would evince a candid and honest spirit of sincere inquiry, humanity might receive benefit instead of injury from their efforts.
would be difficult to obtain better proof of the great industrial advancement of the United States than is furnished by the fact that there is employed in the United States one horse power in manufacturing establishments for each seven of the population, and that ten years ago the figure was one to ten, and twenty years ago one to fourteen.
the most popular misconceptions of Christian Science, its teachings and practice, have given place to more general understanding and greater sympathy, must be apparent to even casual readers of the daily press, and it is no less true that, as a whole, public misrepresentation of our Cause and its Leader has steadily decreased within the past few years.
growing disposition among Christian believers, to forget the petty particulars that have separated them, and join hands in a united effort for a common cause, is but one of many encouraging things which may be traced to the passing of the theory of verbal inspiration, for it is apparent that as attention is more and more centered upon the spiritual significance of the Scriptures, the dogmas and beliefs which have found their beginnings in an over-emphasis of literal statement, and which have led to so much of denominational cleavage and dissension, must be relegated to the realm of the unimportant.
have been, or are being made with all the principal railroads in the United States and Canada for reduced rates to Boston for the Communion Service and Annual Meeting, June I4–I7, I903.
the last recorded words of Christ addressed to his disciples, after the resurrection, we find this statement: "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in his own power.
To my sense the benefit to be derived from the article in the December Journal on parliamentary rules and usage will be far-reaching and prove a blessing to many a worker in the field.
It is now more than seven years since I was induced to investigate Christian Science, and only those who have been a slave to medicine as I was, can realize the fear I had of giving up what seemed to me to be the only thing that had saved my life and spared me to my family for years.
Two years before studying Christian Science I was trying to overcome a thought of resentment, and reaching out for a more charitable and forgiving spirit when, one day, the counsel came to me,—
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
with contributions from F. W. Gunsaulus, Joseph Parker, T. W. Campbell, William C. Gannett, Ichabod Spencer
There is hardly a congregation in which there is not some saint, who, without many advantages of education, by spiritual meditation, by prayer, and the inward illumination of the Spirit, has gained an insight into the Gospel that the pastor of the church may well covet.
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