Christian Science in Mexico

The first lecture delivered in Mexico, on Christian Science, a report of which appeared in the Sentinel of April 11, dated an important era, we are sure, in the spiritual life of that country.

"Our Next-Door Neighbor" has been subject to numerous peaceful invasions at our hands, especially those of our capital, our products, and our business enterprise, which have been continuous and ever-increasing during recent years; but the implanting of Christian Science is a far more significant event, and its love-impelled trespass upon this young republic will bring unmeasured blessings to a people who have always evinced a deep religious instinct, an earnest seeking after God.

Prescott tells us that, impelled by religious zeal, the Aztecs sacrificed unnumbered human lives that they might propitiate their cruel concepts of deity; and under the tutorship of their Spanish conquerors they have been no less earnest, devoted, and self-sacrificing. The visitor to their land today is constantly noting the evidences of a religious aspiration, a zeal for God which is not only striking but sadly pitiful because, as Paul would say, it is "not according to knowledge."

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