The United States Circuit Court last week handed down a decision in the suit of the United States against the Northern Securities Company, enjoining the company from voting the stock of the Northern Pacific or Great Northern Railway Companies, but allowing the return of such stock as had been delivered to the holding company.
A gentle warmth is in the air that breathesOf rarest days, and even to the snowA kind of tender radiance bequeathsThat seems to speak of life that hides below.
very large attendance at the semi-annual lecture of the Mother Church given in Symphony Hall, Boston, when several hundred persons, probably a thousand, were turned away for lack of room, indicates that suffering and disheartened humanity is still seeking a practical means of escape from pain, sin, sickness, and sorrow, and that the means heretofore employed for relief from these relentless task-masters, have been largely unavailing.
first lecture delivered in Mexico, on Christian Science, a report of which appeared in the Sentinel of April 11, dated an important era, we are sure, in the spiritual life of that country.
many commendatory and appreciative letters received since the first number of Der Christian Science Herold was issued prove that this addition to our literature was well timed to meet the needs of our Cause, and that our estimate of the desire for an official publication in the German language was correct.
The Lord knoweth whether I shall ever see your faces more; but whether the Lord hath appointed that or not, I charge you before God and His holy angels to follow me no further than I have followed Christ.
no phase of thought perplexes the beginner in Christian Science more than the subject of finance, and this is not due to the Christian Science aspect of the subject, for this is normal and just, but to past education in false theology.
In the second chapter of first Peter, ninth verse, I read "that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
with contributions from MILLIE HANSON
Twelve years ago the name of the "evil spirit" that beset me was "legion," but with a few treatments in Christian Science I was permanently healed of several physical troubles, and given the hope, courage, and understanding that I could be every whit whole in just so far as I learned to acknowledge only the reality of Good in my daily life.
with contributions from Joseph Armstrong, Stephen A. Chase
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