The passing of the bill by Congress establishing a Department of Commerce in the Government of the United States increases the number of departments to nine.
shows that the mortal mind, or the general human consciousness, can undo certain effects of its own, but such a process would not be considered a case of complete cure in Christian Science, because until the false mental concept which produced the discord is removed by Science, the discord is liable to return, and, in fact, is likely to do so until altogether removed by a spiritual understanding of Good as omnipotent over all evil of every sort.
recent expansion of the hemp industry in the United States entitles it to consideration as one of the most interesting of the nation's newer fields of activity.
Lord, what a change within us one short hourSpent in thy presence will prevail to make,What heavy burdens from our bosom take,What parched grounds refresh, as with a shower!We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;We rise, and all, the distant and the near,Stands forth in sunny outline, brave and clear;We kneel how weak, we rise how full of power!
has long contemplated the publication of an official denominational monthly, to be printed in the German language, and has patiently and hopefully awaited the time at which it could be issued with usefulness to the Cause.
many times do we find ourselves questioning and doubting the efficacy of our prayers, at times we are almost confident that we have asked for that which is unattainable; and how frequently do we find ourselves in that state of consciousness which prompts us to say, "I am sick," "I am unable to do what others do," and so on through the entire range of uncertainty and discouragement.
defeat of the anti-Christian Science healing bill in the legislature of New Hampshire by a vote of 194 to 70 reveals the fact that American traditions are still strong in New England, and that religious and professional intolerance cannot find in the Granite State a lodgment in the statute book.
through the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, the obedient are commended and promised every good thing, while the disobedient are always spoken of inmost condemnatory terms, and threatened with the severest penalties, even that of death.
with contributions from Alexander Maclaren
I remember when sailing one day in a steamer, the captain's son, a bright little fellow of five or six years of age, was on board, and wanted to take the place of the man at the helm.
many of us when we stand in our garden, choked with the weeds of error, instead of going to work to clear out the ground so that the flowers of purity, health, happiness, generosity, peace, and love, may bud and blossom in our consciousness, look over the fence into John Smith's garden, and say, "Oh, John, why in the world don't you weed your garden?
with contributions from M. I. Brown, Frances Thurber Seal, Jeannette R. Goodman, Ed.
It seems appropriate that the first Christian Science Church to be organized in the State of West Virginia should have been at its capital, and that the first public lecture on Christian Science, in the state, should have been given under its auspices.
Just where thou art lift up thy voiceAnd sing the song that stirs thy heart;Reach forth thy strong and eager handTo lift, to save, just where thou art.
I have received so much help through the healing power of God since I began the study of Science and Health, and have had so many proofs of the loving Father's protecting care, that I regard it as a privilege to send my testimony to our dear Sentinel in which I find so many helpful thoughts.
It is just three years this month since I began to investigate Christian Science in Chicago, and commenced treatment for an illness of about three years' standing.
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