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Items of Interest
The long-expected report on the postal frauds have been made public, together with the President's comment upon it. The frauds surveyed occurred in the office of Assistant Attorney General, and in the office of the First Assistant Postmaster General, this latter including the supply division, the free delivery division, and the salaries and allowances division. Frauds were committed in the reckless purchase of supplies at exorbitant prices, out of which percentages were taken by the offenders. The department which was charged with legal action against fraudulent concerns using the mails took blackmail from bond, turf, and guessing swindlers. It is averred that political influenced demoralized the service.
The chief hydrographer of the United States Navy, in his annual report, says the office has in progress the preparation of a series of charts intended to cover every navigable portion of the world except on the United States coast, so that American vessels may be supplied with charts of "their own production for every region that a vessel may be called on to visit," and not run any risk in time of war of being unable to obtain such an absolutely essential requirement for the safe navigation of their vessels.
Preliminary arrangements for the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in Boston, August 15–22, next year have just been completed by the National Council of Administration. It is estimated that between seventy-five and a hundred thousand men will march in the line, which will be about two miles in length.
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December 5, 1903 issue
View Issue-
Thanksgiving Day in the Mother Church
with contributions from William B. Johnson, E. E. C.
The Library Committee in Philadelphia
Albert E. Miller
Love Reflected in Right Thinking
The Wondrous Story
Concerning the Lectures
The Lectures
with contributions from C. F. Wieland, Frank T. Lodge
Take Notice
Mary Baker G. Eddy
The Lectures
Counterfeit Letters
Calvin A. Frye
A Letter to our Leader
Louis Helm
Regarding Individual Rights
Alfred Farlow with contributions from Mazzini
I feel that I can no longer delay sending my grateful...
Lillian McMorris
My attention was called to Christian Science about five...
Samuel Kaufman
Our youngest child was very feeble after his birth and...
Frau Anna Keller with contributions from Hamilton W. Mabie, D'Alviella
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Alfred W. Wishart, Carl F. Henry, Robert F. Coyle
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase