Advices reaching the War Department from Manila indicate that Governor Taft will have succeeded in settling the claims of the friars for their extensive property holdings in the islands before he sails for the United States on December 23.
with contributions from John Watson, Theo. W. Brazeau, Clifford P. Smith, Frank C. Stewart, E. D. Weed
A large and intelligent audience from this city and vicinity and from Sheboygan turned out Tuesday evening, October 13, to hear an exposition of Christian Science at Turner Hall by Carol Norton, C.
recent years the custom of annually setting apart a day of public and national Thanksgiving, established by the sturdy New England pioneers, was confined to the United States, and it is not many decades since it was looked upon as a purely New England institution; but the devout and reverential observance of this custom has steadily increased throughout the world, and its influence must now be counted an important factor in the world's progress.
who come into Christian Science must learn sooner or later that spiritual understanding reverses human beliefs and opinions, a statement which is warranted both by the teaching and the practice of the Master, else would it not have been said of him, "Never man spake like this man.
Contributors to our periodicals are informed that it is a rule of the Editorial Department that all contributions must be accompanied by the full name and address of the writer.
with truth, as never winged before—The Master's truth, reborn these latter days—Thanksgiving anthems ring from shore to shoreAround the pendant world, with joy and praise.
It is an infamous thing in our American life, and fundamentally treacherous to our institutions, to apply to any man any test save that of his personal worth, or to draw between two sets of men any distinction save the distinction of conduct, the distinction that marks off those who do well and wisely from those who do ill and foolishly.
with contributions from E. B. Tenny, Clara Showers
The local organization of Christian Scientists, about ten, have leased the large room in the rear of the auditorium of the Universalist Church where they will in the future conduct Christian Science meetings every Sunday morning at the regular church hour.
"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things;" and how grateful are we who have been the recipients of this "gospel of peace" and are reaping, each day, so great a harvest of good things through its knowledge and demonstration.
This, my testimony, given in gratitude for the good derived from Christian Science, is not written for Scientists who already know the truth, but for the poor man who has not opened, or the foolish man who will not open, his heart and receive the peace which none but God can give.
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