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This, my testimony, given in gratitude for the good derived...
This, my testimony, given in gratitude for the good derived from Christian Science, is not written for Scientists who already know the truth, but for the poor man who has not opened, or the foolish man who will not open, his heart and receive the peace which none but God can give.
I had been addicted to the liquor habit to such an extent that from a traveling salesman of no mean ability or salary I was reduced to a menial position. Five times had good resolutions been broken, each time reducing me in position, income, and respectability, until, three days before accepting Christian Science, I had resolved to kill myself. After being drunk for three weeks I found myself in a hotel in a western city without money, without position, with everything gone from me but remorse, and of that I had it all. I had been a druggist for nine years, knew all about poisons, and had concluded that if by Tuesday something did not transpire to better my condition I would take prussic acid. Something however, did transpire that same day. The best friend I have on earth found me, brought me home, and induced me to try Christian Science. I was ready, I was willing to try anything or everything to stop that terrible mental anguish. My pride, my self-will, all was dead, and in humility I went alone to a Christian Science practitioner and told her all—everything. My voice trembled, my eyes were full of tears while I did it, but there was so much kindness and such a sense of security in her presence that I asked for help at once. Did I get it? At the first treatment, the desire to drink was killed, and within three days not only had a very lucrative position on the road returned to me, but my heart was moved with the desire to live a nobler life.
Can any man situated as I then was, ask me now, did I accept this truth? Could all the criticisms in the world against Christian Science change my opinion of it? Never. I, too, hope to become worthy to call the one who gave this blessed Science to the world, my Leader."
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November 21, 1903 issue
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A Memorable Coincidence and Historical Facts
with contributions from Mary B. G. Eddy, Elizabeth Earl Jones, George S. Baker, Mary Hatch Harrison
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto me"
Gratitude Expressed
Phenomenal Upspringing of Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
The right practice of any system of thought is inseparable...
Willard S. Mattox
Christian Scientists in their practice, take for their standard...
Albert E. Miller with contributions from Archie E. Van Ostrand, Charles E. St. John, A. V. Stewart
The Lectures
with contributions from John Watson, Theo. W. Brazeau, Clifford P. Smith, Frank C. Stewart, E. D. Weed
A Song of Thanksgiving
Among the Churches
with contributions from E. B. Tenny, Clara Showers
I am very grateful to God that we now have a Christian Science...
Friedrich Wemmie
After so long a time, I desire to make public through our...
Charles E. Adams
I wish to tell how I came to Christian Science
Aline von Dittmar
From our Exchanges
with contributions from J. Brierly
William B. Johnson, Stephen A. Chase with contributions from Stephen A. Chase, William B. Johnson