During the year 1902 the number of National banks increased from 4,291 to 4,666; the total resources increased from nearly five and three-quarter billions to over six billions—more than a million a day; the increase in loans and discounts was about three hundred millions.
and unscrupulous advertising of disease symptoms is conceded by most people to be harmful, yet very little is said against such practice, and few consider to what extent disease becomes prevalent because of much talk about it.
the vernacular of social and official life the Library of Congress is always spoken of as the Congressional Library; and so it is generally known by the plain people.
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
A Seeming
obstacle in the pathway of humanity's spiritual advancement has ever been the belief that individual conscience is and must be man's sure guide on every occasion, his highest tribunal for the settlement of all moral questions, his unfailing monitor when doubt and perplexity best him.
man with the one talent, far from being only an imaginary personality performing his part in the setting of a parable, is one of the veritable foes of our own household.
ministry of suffering has been a frequent topic for religious homilies, and the statement that our Lord was made perfect through suffering is often quoted as evidence that pain has a vital and inseparable relation to character.
A representative of a Christian communion may not fairly reflect its thought, but if his utterances are heard without protest there is a strong probability that kindred opinions are entertained by some of his confreres.
The memory of good deeds will ever stay, A lamp to light us on the darkened way, A music to the ear on clamoring street, A cooling well amid the noonday heat.
often felt constrained to express my gratitude to our Leader for the class instruction in Christian Science, which she has made available to every humble, earnest seeker after Truth.
During the first years of my progress in Christian Science, it seemed there was one continual battle with physical conditions; but during the past year the work has been more the overcoming of inharmonious environments, destroying thoughts of poverty and lack,—the feeling that I must do without this or that, until I could demonstrate more goodness and love.
For the past ten months I have been located at Cave Mine, Milford, Utah, and as the year is drawing to a close, I wish to express my gratitude to the editors of our Sentinel and Journal, and to the contributors as well, for their many helpful articles.
all things good on earth I am most sought, And yet, albeit, I am rarely found; I cannot be with countless millions bought, And bootless ye may search earth's farthest bound.
with contributions from Farrar, Thomas Hill, Usher
The New Testament prophecy of the new heaven and earth wherein dwelleth righteousness is the assurance of the ultimate triumph of the Redeemer's kingdom.
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