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Items of Interest
During the year 1902 the number of National banks increased from 4,291 to 4,666; the total resources increased from nearly five and three-quarter billions to over six billions—more than a million a day; the increase in loans and discounts was about three hundred millions. The amount of money held in reserve November 25 was over five hundred millions, and the capitalization at that date was $714,616,353.
Dies for the new Philippine coinage are being cut at the Philadelphia mint in anticipation of the favorable action of Congress authorizing such a coinage. The Philippine Commission has agreed to indemnify the mint management for this expense in case of the failure of Congress to pass the coinage bill.
The San Francisco-Honolulu Cable, which the eable steamer Silverton has been laying, was completed in time to allow New Year's greetings to be sent to the United States from Honolulu. It is expected that by July 4 the work of continuing the cable to Manila will have been completed.
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January 8, 1903 issue
View Issue-
The Spread of Disease
Alfred Farlow
A Plain Statement
R. L. Ziller
A Frank and Fair Rejoinder
Charles K. Skinner
The Library of Congress and its Treasures
Smith D. Frye
Among the Churches
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Arthur E. Kittell, Jennie K. Waters, Lillian T. Harlan, Mary P. Marble
A Word from Mr. Chase
Stephen A. Chase
Renewal of Copyright
Thorvald Solberg with contributions from Herbert Putnam
Memory of Good Deeds
Edwin Markham
To-day's Duty
Confident though Censured
Holding to Ideals
S. B. S.
"God's Little Ones"
My Refuge
The Lectures
with contributions from R. K. Welsh, R. E. L. Knight, J. Murray Hoag, Philip G. Galpin, Reynolds
Christian Science has done much for me
Anna R. Nulford
I would like to tell of a demonstration that was made for...
Hanson Coit Wheeler
I should like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Edwin E. Bonnell
During the first years of my progress in Christian Science,...
Margaret A. Varly
For the past ten months I have been located at Cave Mine . . .
Herbert W. Lawrence
Heart's Ease
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Religious Items
with contributions from Farrar, Thomas Hill, Usher