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Grateful for Christian Science
Through the understanding of Truth my life was changed from one of suffering to one of health and peace and joy. It is about ten years since I first heard of Christian Science, but I did not give it any attention until four years ago. At that time I was suffering with one of my limbs, which had troubled me for fifteen years, ever since the birth of our first child. It seems that I had had about all the aches and pains that one could have during that period of time. I was treated by several physicians, went through many operations, and suffered intense agony with different diseases. The doctors had about all given up my case, and as for myself, I, too, had nearly given up all hope of being free from pain, and all seemed dark.
I had asked God many times to make me well, and often wondered why He did not answer my prayer. I would say many times, What have I ever done, that I should suffer so much pain? I was brought up by Methodist parents and taught to love God, but I could not understand why a true father should have His children suffer as I did. But the light came at last, and all is made plain. It came through my brother, who is a Christian Scientist, and I thank him for this blessed Truth. I am thankful to our beloved Leader, and also to the many others who have helped me to know the goodness of God. My heart is full of love and pity for suffering humanity.
In reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I feel I understand God as I never did before. I have taken the Sentinel since March last and like to read it, it is all so good. I have taken the Journal for a year.
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December 12, 1901 issue
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Mr. Farlow Replies
Alfred Farlow with contributions from Beecher's
with contributions from Dryden
The Lectures
with contributions from Adelaide M. Kinnear
with contributions from J. M. Buckley, T. Roosevelt
Listen Well
In the Land of the Midnight Sun
BY M. H. L.
Proofs of God's Power
Testimony of a Druggist
G. S. T.
Gratitude for Slow Healing
Annah Brooks
Recovered from Effects of a Serious Injury
C. N. Bennett
Healed of Epilepsy
J. C. Cutts
Grateful for Christian Science
E. E. Murphy
I was suffering from inflammatory rheumatism, and in...
Amanda Beadles
Religious Items
with contributions from William Bernard Ullathorne, Thomas A. Kempis