Secretary Hay, representing the United States, and Lord Pauncefote, representing Great Britain, will formaily sign the new isthmian eanal convention next month.
experiences I have had within the past year impel me to write these lines in order that others, as well as I may be on guard and remember the injunction of Jesus to his disciples: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
sailed from New York July 4th, on steamer Barbarossa, North German Lloyd, and in the afternoon, as I was sitting on deck reading our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," a lady stopped to ask me if I were a Christian Scientist.
our Leader's Message of June, 1901, a message that has sounded the bugle call to all Christian Scientists to advance, she says on page four: "As Christian Scientists you seek to define God to your own consciousness, by feeling and applying the nature and practical possibilities of divine Love.
the early part of the sixteenth century the old master, the great sculptor, Michael Angelo, under the potent influence and inspiration of Savonarola, became deeply imbued with an artistic and religious fervor.
In my search for Truth I was led to read the Christian Science text-book, and while I did not understand it, I felt the Truth was there if I could only grasp it.
In looking over my experiences since I began studying Christian Science, I find so much to be grateful for, that I want to tell others of these blessings.
I am most grateful for the great good received from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," also for our periodicals, the Journal and Sentinel, which, when read, are passed on, feeding others who are awakening to this blessed Truth.
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