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Rise of Christian Science
Inter Ocean
To the Editor:— In the excellent editorial on "Two Kinds of Preaching," which appeared in The Inter Ocean recently, you speak of Christian Science "with its illogical appeal to aesthetic emotion." Permit me to say that Christian Science does not appeal to the emotions, aesthetic or otherwise, and it is not illogical, unless it is illogical to say that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; that He is Love, not hate; Life, not death; Truth, not error. If these statements are emotional and illogical, then the whole fabric of the Bible, and especially the teaching of Jesus, is emotional and illogical.
The reason for the "rise of the Christian Science sect" is that Christian Science is a religion of works, not of words only. It is the practical Christianity of Jesus logically applied to the needs of humanity in every-day affairs, and it is healing the sick and reforming the sinner just as Jesus and the apostles and Christians of the first three hundred years of Christendom healed and reformed them. That it is doing this work is amply proved by the testimony of thousands of reputable and intelligent men and women heard at the Wednesday evening meetings held by almost five hundred churches of the denomination. "The rise of the Christian Science sect" will continue as long as one demonstrated fact is of more value than a million opinions and theories, and I assume that that valuation will continue to the end of time.—Archibald M'Lellan.
In the Inter Ocean.
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June 21, 1900 issue
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Communion Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
The Word
John G. Whittier
The Christian Science Position Regarding Bodily Suffering
with contributions from Alfred Farlow
In Re Christian Science
Henry Clay M'Dougal
An Answer to an Article on Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
Rise of Christian Science
Archibald M'Lellan
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
William E. Channing
A Request
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. B. Carly, George H. Kinter, Alice Cary
Fraud Exposed
Ella H. Doty
E. F. V.
Turn your Face to the Light
A Year of Christian Science
From Thankful Hearts
with contributions from Gertrude L. Robertson, Percy Lear Robertson
My First Visit to the Mother Church
BY. A. E. V.
God's Way the Only Way
Found Peace and Rest in Christian Science
E. S. Johnston
Sight Restored through Christian Science
Harriet Denton
Truth Destroys all Forms of Error
Forrest V. Curran
A Word from a Little Boy
Willie R. Babcock
Power of Truth over Error
Beatrice Babcock
Religious Items
with contributions from Hugh Macmillan, Cornelius Woelfkin