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Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale of spiritual being. Expect from it no good any farther than it gives strength and worth to your characters. Think not, as some seem to think, that Christ has a higher gift than purity to bestow, even pardon to the sinner. He does bring pardon. But once separate the idea of pardon from purity; once imagine that forgiveness is possible to him who does not forsake sin; once make it an exemption from outward punishment and not the admission of the reformed mind to favor and communion with God; and the doctrine of pardon becomes your peril, and a system so teaching it is fraught with evil. Expect no good from Christ any farther than you are exalted by his character and teaching. Expect nothing from his cross unless a power comes from it strengthening you to "bear his cross," to "drink his cup," with his own unconquerable love. This is its highest influence. Look not abroad for the blessings of Christ. His reign and chief blessings are within you. The human soul is his kingdom. There he gains his victories, there rears his temples, there lavishes his treasures. His noblest monument is a mind redeemed from iniquity, brought back and devoted to God, forming itself after the perfection of the Saviour, great through its power to suffer for truth, lovely through its meek and gentle virtues. No other monument does Christ desire; for this will endure and increase in splendor when earthly thrones shall have fallen, and even when the present order of the outward universe shall have accomplished its work and shall have passed away.—William E. Channing.
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June 21, 1900 issue
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Communion Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
The Word
John G. Whittier
The Christian Science Position Regarding Bodily Suffering
with contributions from Alfred Farlow
In Re Christian Science
Henry Clay M'Dougal
An Answer to an Article on Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
Rise of Christian Science
Archibald M'Lellan
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
William E. Channing
A Request
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. B. Carly, George H. Kinter, Alice Cary
Fraud Exposed
Ella H. Doty
E. F. V.
Turn your Face to the Light
A Year of Christian Science
From Thankful Hearts
with contributions from Gertrude L. Robertson, Percy Lear Robertson
My First Visit to the Mother Church
BY. A. E. V.
God's Way the Only Way
Found Peace and Rest in Christian Science
E. S. Johnston
Sight Restored through Christian Science
Harriet Denton
Truth Destroys all Forms of Error
Forrest V. Curran
A Word from a Little Boy
Willie R. Babcock
Power of Truth over Error
Beatrice Babcock
Religious Items
with contributions from Hugh Macmillan, Cornelius Woelfkin