semi-annual Communion service of First Church of Christ, Scientist, held yesterday at Christian Science Hall, was a noteworthy occasion, as it brought out the largest attendance that has ever gathered here for a Christian Science service, for the first time making it necessary to hold two services to accommodate the communicants.
capacity of the Christian Science Hall, in which First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, worships, was taxed to its limit last night to accommodate the visiting Scientists from all parts of the country, who crowded it to its doors.
Voice of the Holy Spirit, making knownMan to himself, a witness swift and sure,Warning, approving, true, and wise, and pure,Counsel and guidance that misleadeth none!By Thee the mystery of life is read;The picture-writing of the world's gray seers,The myths and parables of the primal years,Whose letter kills, by Thee interpreted,Take healthful meanings fitten to our needs,And in the soul's vernacular expressThe common law of simple righteousness.
Editor People and Patriot:—We learn from the People and Patriot that the editorial writer of another paper has used his editorial columns for an article on "Christian Science for Elephants.
To the Editor:— In the excellent editorial on "Two Kinds of Preaching," which appeared in The Inter Ocean recently, you speak of Christian Science "with its illogical appeal to aesthetic emotion.
Beloved Christian Scientists:—I have a favor to ask, namely: Will the Christian Scientists throughout our land subscribe one year for the Granite Monthly, issued monthly at $1.
A few
weeks ago a little girl six years old residing in Toronto was struck by a milk wagon, which turned the corner quickly as she was crossing the street.
Two sayings of Christ have recently been impressed on my thought as never before: "Seek, and ye shall find," "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
up the results of my first visit to the Mother Church at the annual Communion service, I am led to submit to the readers of the Sentinel some impressions made upon me on the occasion.
I always derive so much good from the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel, that I consider it is my duty, as well as my privilege, to testify to my healing through the understanding of the all-powerful and ever-present God, which comes to us through Christian Science.
Circumstances make it necessary again to request our co-workers throughout the Field to observe the following rules in sending in their orders to the Publishing House:—
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