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"Might Have Been."
In a new book entitled, "Might Have Been" by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Parker of the City Temple, London, England, the author with prophetic vision and lofty hope, makes the following utterances which will be of marked significance to Christian Scientists.
"If we believe the New Testament we believe that men were once made whole without medicine or doctor. If this was a fact in New Testament times, why may it not become a fact in the present day? If it is a fact it is the most beneficent fact in history, and being such it ought, if possible, to be recalled and re-established. To grasp the question wisely and thoroughly we must go back to Christ's own day and think with him. We have no concern with knaveries, quackeries, empiricisms, or frauds and pretence of any kind. All these must be banished from the mind or they will create prejudices which Truth itself cannot penetrate. First of all, let us strive after simplicity of mind that is essential to progress. Did Christ heal men? Yes, he did. Did Christ's Apostles heal men? Yes, they did. Was the healing mechanical, surgical, medicinal? No, it was not. Was the healing spiritual, sympathetic, mental? Yes, it was. Is Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? Yes, he is. Does Christ still live and work and reign? Yes, he does. That settles the case. Suffering is the same, Christ is the same, love is the same. Then what is wanting? Just what was wanting in Christ's own day. Dost thou believe? Believest thou that I am able to do this thing? All things are possible to him that believeth. He could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. We must simply and heartily adopt the belief—a most rational belief it is—that the things which are impossible with men are possible with God. That is all. The belief must not be mere assent; it must be the ruling and ever-active principle of the life. ... The curing of disease is a very paltry matter. To cure the disease of distrust of God is a supreme miracle. That is health. ... What is faith but the superiority of the spiritual over the material? I have not the shadow of a doubt that the material will decrease and the spiritual will increase. The ponderous locomotive will be superseded. We shall have telegraphy without the wire. ... We are moving towards the God-power—God is a Spirit. Mind created all things; why should not Mind rule them? With barrow and spade a day-laborer can carry the mountain into the sea. Why cannot a faith-inspired man order it out of the way and scatter it on the waves? In the end it would be so, but not until universal mind is in universal harmony, for otherwise faith would be the creator of disorder and the enemy of peace. We shall then see not the faith of one man, but the consolidated faith of all men."
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June 21, 1900 issue
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Communion Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
The Word
John G. Whittier
The Christian Science Position Regarding Bodily Suffering
with contributions from Alfred Farlow
In Re Christian Science
Henry Clay M'Dougal
An Answer to an Article on Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
Rise of Christian Science
Archibald M'Lellan
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
William E. Channing
A Request
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. B. Carly, George H. Kinter, Alice Cary
Fraud Exposed
Ella H. Doty
E. F. V.
Turn your Face to the Light
A Year of Christian Science
From Thankful Hearts
with contributions from Gertrude L. Robertson, Percy Lear Robertson
My First Visit to the Mother Church
BY. A. E. V.
God's Way the Only Way
Found Peace and Rest in Christian Science
E. S. Johnston
Sight Restored through Christian Science
Harriet Denton
Truth Destroys all Forms of Error
Forrest V. Curran
A Word from a Little Boy
Willie R. Babcock
Power of Truth over Error
Beatrice Babcock
Religious Items
with contributions from Hugh Macmillan, Cornelius Woelfkin