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Christian Science and Traveling Men
The work that many of the traveling men are accomplishing in Christian Science is by no means as unimportant one. Their calling brings them in contact with hundreds and thousands of people and affords them abundant opportunities to speak a word for Truth and tell of the numerous blessings, physical and moral, that have come into their lives through the understanding of God as revealed to them in Christian Science. As a result of the seed sown in this manner, many helpless and hopeless invalids have found health and happiness. Others in bondage to myriad forms of sin, have found the Truth that makes free indeed.
The great army of commercial travelers numbers in its ranks hundreds of Christian Scientists who carry with them, wherever they go, the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." They no more think of leaving this book behind than they think of leaving their sample cases. Other works of the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, as well as the Journal and Sentinel, are to be found in the grips of these traveling men. These Journals and Sentinels are gladly placed in the hands of honest inquirers and earnest seekers for Truth. In this way thousands of copies of our publications are started on their mission of love, and who can begin to estimate the amount of good these silent witnesses for Truth are accomplishing?
Going from place to place, as he does, the traveling man meets many persons who are devoting all their time and energies to the work of Christian Science. He attends the Sunday services and the Wednesday evening meetings of the various churches in his territory. His testimony of the benefits he has derived from Christian Science is helpful to all who hear it, and his report of the progress of the cause in other parts of the Field is interesting and encouraging. His periodical visit., enable him to note the increase in numbers and interest, and many times he expresses himself as being greatly surprised at the marvelous growth he has witnessed.
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June 21, 1900 issue
View Issue-
Communion Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
The Word
John G. Whittier
The Christian Science Position Regarding Bodily Suffering
with contributions from Alfred Farlow
In Re Christian Science
Henry Clay M'Dougal
An Answer to an Article on Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
Rise of Christian Science
Archibald M'Lellan
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
William E. Channing
A Request
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. B. Carly, George H. Kinter, Alice Cary
Fraud Exposed
Ella H. Doty
E. F. V.
Turn your Face to the Light
A Year of Christian Science
From Thankful Hearts
with contributions from Gertrude L. Robertson, Percy Lear Robertson
My First Visit to the Mother Church
BY. A. E. V.
God's Way the Only Way
Found Peace and Rest in Christian Science
E. S. Johnston
Sight Restored through Christian Science
Harriet Denton
Truth Destroys all Forms of Error
Forrest V. Curran
A Word from a Little Boy
Willie R. Babcock
Power of Truth over Error
Beatrice Babcock
Religious Items
with contributions from Hugh Macmillan, Cornelius Woelfkin