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Experiences Related at Wednesday Evening Meetings
A few weeks ago a little girl six years old residing in Toronto was struck by a milk wagon, which turned the corner quickly as she was crossing the street. The hub hit her and knocked her down, and the driver jerked his horse up, causing the wheel to pass over the body of the child, and as the wagon contained a man and a boy, and several cans of milk, the result was serious. The little girl's back and thigh were much bruised and blackened, her nose and forehead were cut badly, and both temples bruised. She was carried bleeding to her home.
The parents being believers in Christian Science, no liniments, lotions, or poultices were used. After receiving a treatment no pain was complained of. Within a few hours the patient sat up and ate her supper, and has been hearty ever since. She was able to walk the next day, and the following Sunday she went to church and walked home, nearly two miles, the last sign of a scar having disappeared from her face. The milkman expected to pay a heavy bill of damages, and was quite relieved to find there was nothing to pay.
A gentleman said, "I did not come into Christian Science for the physical healing, as I had always been in good health, but I found Christian Science to be the pure and practical religion which I was looking for and had failed to find. When Science and Health, the Christian Science text-book, was given to me, I found it so full of what I had longed for that it lifted me and gave me fresh hope. This book taught me that God is Love,—and not a love that would afflict, but that we could practically prove every day as a healer of disease as well as sin. I came to Christian Science because I felt that it was the Truth as Jesus taught it, and that it destroys jealousy, malice, and all such evils.
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June 21, 1900 issue
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Communion Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
The Word
John G. Whittier
The Christian Science Position Regarding Bodily Suffering
with contributions from Alfred Farlow
In Re Christian Science
Henry Clay M'Dougal
An Answer to an Article on Christian Science
Irving C. Tomlinson
Rise of Christian Science
Archibald M'Lellan
Receive Christianity as given to raise you in the scale...
William E. Channing
A Request
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. B. Carly, George H. Kinter, Alice Cary
Fraud Exposed
Ella H. Doty
E. F. V.
Turn your Face to the Light
A Year of Christian Science
From Thankful Hearts
with contributions from Gertrude L. Robertson, Percy Lear Robertson
My First Visit to the Mother Church
BY. A. E. V.
God's Way the Only Way
Found Peace and Rest in Christian Science
E. S. Johnston
Sight Restored through Christian Science
Harriet Denton
Truth Destroys all Forms of Error
Forrest V. Curran
A Word from a Little Boy
Willie R. Babcock
Power of Truth over Error
Beatrice Babcock
Religious Items
with contributions from Hugh Macmillan, Cornelius Woelfkin