The Birthplace of Mary Baker Eddy

Reproduced by the Aid of Mrs. Eddy's Information, Photographs of Site, and Authentic Data.

This is the title of a well-executed etching from an original drawing by Rufus H. Baker. It restores on paper the Baker homestead as it appeared in Mrs. Eddy's girlhood. Now the site is but a tithe of the old farm, and only a few fruit-trees ramain to suggest the once fine orchards.

This picture has been made possible mainly through Mrs. Eddy's kindly assistance.

The etching is printed in black and sepia to meet a preference in tints, and can be obtained at the following prices:—

Artist's Proofs .... $7.50
These are the first prints, are on India
Paper, and limited in number.

India Proofs .... $5.00
Later prints on India paper.

Plain Proofs .... $3.00
Prints on plain rice paper.

Address, Rufus H. Baker, 88 North Main Street, Concord, N. H.

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February 1, 1900

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