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Honest Objections
That many of the objections made against the price of Christian Science literature are honestly made by the immediate objector, we do not doubt; but, on the other hand, we are aware that these objections have their origin among those who are bitterly opposed to Christian Science, and who, by every means in their power, both audibly and mentally, keep up the argument of exorbitant prices.
This argument is caught up by some and thoughtlessly accepted as true simply because it has been made or suggested, and passed from one to another; whereas a little sober thinking would show the utter fallacy of it.
We have heretofore referred to the high prices of standard text-books,—schoolbooks, college text-books, law books, medical books, etc., and shown that they range higher, binding and quality of paper and finish considered, than the Christian Science text-book. Yet they all purport to teach truth, or some phase or phases of it. The Christian Science text-book teaches Truth; and while its teaching is based on spiritual instead of material premises, it is, therefore, not less but more Truth than the text-books which assume to teach only material or physical subjects, for, we think, all will agree that things spiritual or eternal are of greater importance to mankind than things material or temporal.
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December 7, 1899 issue
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The Lectures
with contributions from Mayor Paddock, Don M. Dickinson, Carlyle, F. M. Prout, C. Lulu Blackman, Sam P. Cochran
Honest Objections
A Falsehood Refuted
Resolutions of the Branches
True Values
A. B. G.
Christian Science
C. M. Howe
Christian Scientists and Counterfeits
Henry D. Nunn
Healed by the Book
Rest and Peace Found at Last
BY D. P. L.
How Evil can be Bound
BY C. H. G.
Our Mother in Israel
Fear of Insanity Destroyed
Nora J. Hall
A Case of Dental Surgery
Frances Bendit
Healed by Reading Science and Health
Laura M. Faulk