At a meeting of the members of our society of Students of Christian Science, held in our chapel at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, October 24, 1899, it was unanimously decided to organize a Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Houston, Texas.
The author of the Christian Science text-book takes no patients, does not consult on disease, nor read letters referring to these subjects.
Churches of Christ, Scientist, are hereby lovingly requested to address all articles they send for publication in our periodicals to the editor, Judge Hanna, and to mail them directly to his office, 95 Falmouth Street, Boston,
New England Magazine is one of the staunch monthly magazines of this country.
the papers kindly sent us from all parts of the world, we note with satisfaction the many ways in which the press is proving itself the friend of fairness and the true exponent of the facts concerning Christian Science.
I am
compelled to announce that I am not subject to personal interviews relative to matters connected with the Board of Education.
entering at all upon a consideration of the relative right involved in the war between Great Britain and the Boers, we cannot but express our deep regrets that so soon after the Peace Conference at The Hague, in which England bore so conspicuous a part, this unfortunate and bloody conflict should have ensued.
Christian Scientists
are truly disciples of the "larger hope.
will be noticed that the subject of the Bible Lesson for December 10, is "Sacrament.
I did
not become interested in Christian Science because I was healed physically, but I was attracted to it by hearing of the wonderful cures it was producing.
can only honor God by acknowledging His creation as spiritual and immortal.
ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Sunday morning a year ago last August, while seated in church, and my head bowed in silent prayer, I had a presentiment of my home being in danger of fire.
you ever begin your work for the day with a feeling of weariness and discouragement?
the light that Christian Science turns upon the Scriptures, we can understand much that was once far from being clear or satisfactory to the searcher after Truth.
God is our only Life and that all Life is immortal has been much clearer since the Sunday lesson of October 15.
past week, I seem to have been awakened to the fact of the work one must do as a Christian Scientist.
Mindful of the injunction to bring our tithes into the storehouse, and not to listen to the subtle suggestion of error which says, "Don't write," I wish to tell of a demonstration over what seemed to be a severe accident, while attempting to get off an electric car after it had started.
Having received great benefits physically and spiritually from Christian Science, I wish publicly to bear my testimony to the Christ-Truth.
I have often seen in the Journal and Sentinel where others have received help in Science in dentistry, and would think, "Well, their fear was not as great as mine.
I feel that it is fully time that I put into words my gratitude for the joys that Christian Science has brought me.
Four years ago a copy of Science and Health was given to my husband by his parents, who had recently become interested in Christian Science.
A gentleman had a bull nettle sting on his foot.
I am, to mortal sense, almost fourscore years of age.
The statistical reports of the Northern Presbyterian Church given it for 1899, 32 Synods, 232 Presbyteries, 7,657 churches, 986,907 communicants, 1,029,229 members of Sunday schools, 1,115 candidates for the ministry, 137 local evangelists, 433 licentiates, 108 churches organized during the year, 48,259 members added on examination, 17,682 adults and 24,908 infants baptized.
Two supplements to the Christian Science Sentinel have been issued.