God’s plan exceeds expectations

Recently, I once again experienced the awesome peace that comes from trusting God with our needs. In this world, we’re bombarded by self-help books and under intense pressure to be “successful” and “make something” of ourselves. But knowing that we are cared for by a loving God who is governing every aspect of our lives gives a feeling of individual freedom.

I work as an actress in the theater industry in South Africa, and during the past few years it became clear to me that I needed to further my training, particularly in voice work. I spent many hours researching institutions and courses, but things seemed to keep coming to a dead end. Opportunities for voice training at the highest international standard of excellence appeared to be scarce in my country. I did work with some local facilitators but felt the training was not satisfactory, since it was not accredited and did not compare favorably to other programs I had researched. 

I considered going back to university either in South Africa or abroad; however, all the courses I applied to and was accepted for involved much time and expense and didn’t address the voice training adequately. The search for viable options became increasingly frustrating and discouraging. But I had been praying about my next steps, and as my prayers deepened and I humbly listened for God’s guidance, I saw very clearly the need to let go of any stubbornness, self-will, or ambition. 

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Lifted out of despair
September 9, 2019

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