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From the readers

[Mark Raffles, “Emerging from negative expectations,” Sentinel, August 5, 2019]
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On the web: The following JSH-Online.

The pull toward goodness

The pull toward God’s goodness is pure and spiritual, not subversive and sensual.
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Christ Jesus taught valuable lessons about true substance being spiritual.
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We can actually experience in very tangible ways the consistency of God, who is wholly good.
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Making a difference

We have the privilege of correcting our own attitudes. My willingness to embrace God’s pure viewpoint brought answers.
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I humbly listened for God’s guidance.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth

Lifted out of despair

When my husband and I were expecting our first child, I began a search for the peace and comfort that had characterized my own childhood.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
This teen felt out of place and unhappy during a visit with relatives. How could they find common ground and get along? Prayer opened the way.
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From Teens

King of the barnyard

The passing of time could never deprive Otis of his God-given innocence, playfulness, and vibrancy. 
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Testimony of Healing

Enlarged heart healed

In July 2017, my wife felt a heart murmur that frightened her.
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Testimony of Healing

No more pain in tooth

During a routine dental cleaning, a dentist informed me that a tooth where a large filling had fallen out needed to be removed.
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Testimony of Healing
Many years back, I was praying one morning when these words from the Bible came to me: “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
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Like the mockingbirdshouting his songfrom the topmost twigof the cedar elm,
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This editorial is in response to a reader who wanted to know about Christian Science treatment for healing, and about respecting the wishes of others regarding such treatment.
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Bible Lens
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