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From the readers
Healing truths
[Ruth Geyer, “Easter: how Christ transforms us,” Sentinel, March 26, 2018]
I loved Ruth Geyer’s article. Especially transforming for me was the second-to-last paragraph, which mentioned progressing “step by step” and “standing firm.” As I was praying to see through the lie of pain in one ankle, my thought was elevated from sense to Soul. Thank you to Ruth for sharing these powerful, healing truths!
Shelley Long
via JSH-Online.com
Bible Lens appreciation
I need to let you know the enduring quality of every Bible Lens. I especially appreciated the Lens in the March 26, 2018, Sentinel. I am not a fan of poetry, but the poems under “Related healing ideas” were all very endearing to the Bible Lesson.
Bonnie K. Nelson
Redding, California, US
True home
[Tony Lobl, “The Jerusalem we can all call home,” Sentinel, March 12, 2018]
Thank you to Tony for this wonderful treatment of true home. It is so helpful. I looked up the Kippalive song he cited. It is indeed moving.
Peter Vaughan
via JSH-Online.com
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April 30, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Shelley Long, Bonnie K. Nelson, Peter Vaughan
United, not divided, in God’s love
Martin Vesely
The precision of God’s care
Suzanne Riedel
Trust in the divine law of Love
Nancy Boswell Forest
Being unselfish includes you, too
Ellen Seusy
Learning to love myself
Judith Barker
All I needed for healing
Chris Minard
Prayer stops a sexual assault
Sharon Dec
Healed in church
Kathy North
Skiing injury healed
Marc Schwartz
Freed of flu symptoms through steadfast prayer
Lori Biesterfeldt
Pain and discomfort yield
H. Rhonda Bullion
'High to heaven let song be soaring'
Photograph by Steve Ryf
The blessings of being receptive
Robert R. MacKusick