2016 per capita tax message

Dear Fellow Members of The Mother Church,

It is a special privilege, as the first Australian President of The Mother Church, to be writing to you with assurance of our gratitude and love. My appointment not only recognizes the Australian Field but also the loving embrace of The Mother Church for the whole world. The power of this love overcomes the tyranny of distance and unites us all in our love for God and the revelation of Christian Science.

This year marks the 150th  anniversary of the discovery of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy. Following this momentous event came the equally major challenge of communicating to the world the full import of her discovery. She writes, “When God called the author to proclaim His Gospel to this age, there came also the charge to plant and water His vineyard” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. xi). What a task she had before her! The evidence that she fulfilled her duty to God and to her fellow man lies in the continuing existence of not only The Mother Church but also its worldwide branch churches.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Three words that changed everything
February 15, 2016

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