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What's that our kids are listening to?
RECENTLY I WAS SHOPPING at a local shoe store, and as I surveyed the selection of sneakers, a catchy rhythm started playing on the sound system. I found myself moving to its insistent beat, mindlessly bobbing my head in time—that is, until the vocal kicked in. The opening line was so crude that I just hung my head in disbelief. I felt sucker-punched—taken in by the song's irresistible rhythm, only to be blindsided by its words.
Evil comes in many forms. Some look pretty enticing; some you can even dance to. But it's always a vacuum.
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March 25, 2002 issue
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Safe in the secret place
John Selover
with contributions from Lorna Richards, Eric Thacher, Darren Mackay, Dorrit Kjaer Christiansen, Connie Beasley
items of interest
with contributions from Kim Shippey, Renee K. Gadoua, Paul Simon
Troubled times on a troubled subcontinent
Russ Gerber with contributions from Scott Baldauf
The Sentinel asks . . . "What is evil?"
with contributions from Rebecca Toedter, Cynthia Davis, Asad Rahman, Rick Peasely, Jodi Warmbrod, Rebecca Kresman, Betty McCone
Pulling back the curtain on evil
By Elise L. Moore
One small step out of terror
By Tony Lobl
Through a spiritual lens—
Gordon N. Converse
What's that our kids are listening to?
By John Kehe
When evil takes the form of disease
By Ruth Elizabeth Jenks
The Sentinel asks. . ."What is evil?"
Joshua Allen
Deliver us from . . .
By Jewel Simmons Sentinel staff
Evil personified?
By Warren Bolon Sentinel staff
The Sentinel asks . . ."What is evil?"
Marie Green with contributions from Agnes M. Hardison
In her true light . . .
M.B.G. Eddy
What if you broke a bone?
Gerry Feldheim
Life never ends
Lillian Albright
Chronic knee trouble healed
Marilyn Moore Stucker
From the founder of the Sentinel
Mary Baker Eddy with contributions from Editor