Understanding spiritual facts restores health

"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving" (Ps.69:30). For a life enriched by the spiritual understanding of God and man found in Christian Science, I can only express heartfelt gratitude. This Science has sustained, guided, and protected me during military service, in commercial and industrial experience, and through a professional career. More satisfying still is the deepening awareness of God's presence and power I have gained. Christian Science has added a sparkle to my life and a spiritual animus. In Miscellaneous Writings Mary Baker Eddy writes, "The sweet, sacred sense and permanence of man's unity with his Maker, in Science, illumines our present existence with the ever-presence and power of God, good" (p.196).

At one period I found indigestion very troublesome, especially in the late evening. One day I was talking to friend about how spiritual truths learned in Christian Science can solve the problem of unemployment. I realised clearly that employment is the established fact, because man's real activity is to show forth the qualities of God, to be His expression. I could readily see that employment is the fact; unemployment is the lie about the fact. Suddenly I became strongly aware that digestion also is the established fact, and that indigestion was simply a lie being presented to my thought. I had a feeling of dominion, and a much clearer spiritual perspective. The indigestion just faded out of my experience.

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March 22, 1999

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