"From those Sentinels I learned as a teenager that God was Love itself; a practical and ever-present help in trouble."

The Sentinel has a special place in my understanding of Jesus' teaching and practice. Soon after I became an infantry soldier in the rain forests of Indochina, my dad started to mail me copies of the Sentinel. These magazines had come from the free distribution boxes of a church I had never heard of. This was a couple of years before I first met a Christian Scientist or held a copy of "that textbook" often referred to and quoted from.

My mum had packed a Holy Bible at the top of my kitbag when I left for distant shores. As a youngster at her knee, I learned that God loved me. From those Sentinels I learned as a teenager that God was Love itself; a practical and ever-present help in trouble. An assurance of Love's presence as divine Principle came and stayed with me. Convincing proofs of God's care for me and my fellows soon came. My military experience was fear free thanks to the Sentinel contributors, watching the world from a spiritual perspective for the good of us all.

Teenagers and others today in remote, and not so remote, locations can have that same watchful friend drop in to discuss and explain Jesus' teaching and practice. Thank you for keeping that good news up to date in this contemporary epoch.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

items of interest
items of interest
August 3, 1998

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