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The children of God and the Second Commandment
It isn't surprising that the image industry, as it has been called, is growing. "Image Consultants" is now a heading in the Yellow Pages in many telephone directories. An image consultant will help develop a favorable image for you, the client, to present to others—as representative of yourself, your business, and so forth.
Of course, the most favorable image that can be presented to anyone is the image that God, Spirit, alone can and does create—spiritual man, the image, or representation, of God Himself. Man expressing the nature of God is the image Christ Jesus consistently presented to the world through his spirituality and his healing works. His success in doing so was due to the fact that he was the Son of God and to his constant communion with God in prayer.
God is eternal Life, Truth, and Love. And the function of God's image, man, is to represent Him—to reflect His creative and infallible goodness, His just and merciful government, His tender care of His creation. This spiritual representation of God is your and my true selfhood, the image we surely want to identity with and be identified with by others.
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March 28, 1994 issue
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What's your opinion?
Elaine R. Follis
Still in the family
Written for the Sentinel
A lesson in "forgetting those things which are behind"
Debra D. Brandell
Verta B. Driver
"Perfect angels"
Ann Bair Pierson
M. W. B.
In God's care
Kathryn and Susan Gregory
Easter—Christ's rebuke to disbelief
Russ Gerber
The children of God and the Second Commandment
Barbara M. Vining
This is a testimony of gratitude for how God sustains us, irrespective...
Maria del Carmen Galdamez
In 1991 our son was born, and my life has changed immeasurably...
Donald L. Keeler
While growing up I attended a Christian Science Sunday School,...
Doug Hawes with contributions from Doris J. Colvin
After two years in the second grade, I still could not read...
Kathryn Lee Hoyt