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Becoming conscious of heaven
Finding heaven here now means continual discovery.
Have you ever said, "Oh, I never thought of that!" when reading or hearing something new to you? I have many times—especially when I first started studying Christian Science. There are so many things about which to say, "I never thought of that"—concerning God, man, the kingdom of heaven, as we become increasingly conscious of all the good that man reflects from his creator.
When I first became interested in Christian Science I had what was for me a surprising and wonderful insight unto the nature of God, of Mind. I had been brought up in Sunday School, and had attended churches of many different denominations over the years. I had studied the Bible very seriously. But I never did have a feeling of closeness with God. It seemed as though He were a far-off Deity. One that should be followed and believed in and obeyed—especially His Commandments—but so difficult to understand or feel close to. Then one day a friend lent me a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. As I browsed through it, reading here and there, I came to the question "What is God?" The answer read: "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." Science and Health, p. 465.
When I read the word Love I was startled by the thought that if God is Love, and if I expressed God's love, I must be expressing God—having God right here with me, being one with God! What a thought! God was not far-off—I could feel His closeness as I expressed His qualities. This was such a revelation and inspiration to me that I asked myself why I had not seen this truth before. I couldn't answer then, but as time went on I began to realize that when we are seeking the truth and are receptive to it, God does show it to us.
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July 13, 1987 issue
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Peace at the office
Arthur T. Morey
Jennifer L. DeVol
God's love isn't hidden away
Laura Pearson Lavender
Wherever you are
Maxine Shore
A home filled with light
Lynn A. Gray Jackson
Becoming conscious of heaven
Kenneth H. Nickerson
The rewards of obedience
Eric Bole
FROM THE Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The way to be lifted up
Michael D. Rissler
Back to basics
William E. Moody
I Have found reliance on Christian Science to be the most loving...
Rosa Fern Sinkler with contributions from Sharon Sinkler Suarez
Recently, during a Wednesday testimony meeting in my branch...
Katheryn McCord Watt
When I was introduced to Christian Science a few years ago by...
Jay Ross Longman
In 1969 my husband and I sold our farm in England
Joyce A. O'H Leavens