Throughout high school, my study of applied music was hindered...

Throughout high school, my study of applied music was hindered because I was tormented by stage fright. I felt fortunate if I could just get through a performance. The problem became so severe that when I went to college I altogether dropped my intention to pursue a music major.

However, the challenge to overcome—instead of escape from—the problem kept coming back to me. After all, I believed that Christian Science was the truth and I knew from experience that it was demonstrable. Also, I loved music and I could play an instrument well. It was my God-given right to share that ability without inhibition. I resumed the study of music. Through prayer I made much progress in overcoming my fear.

The full healing was clinched while I was preparing for my senior recital. I began thinking about faith, and then I made a thorough study of the subject in the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings. A definition of faith eventually crystallized for me as perseverance, persistence, hope, trust, expectancy of good, and total dependence on God. I concluded from this that if I wanted to increase my faith, or reliance on God, I must exercise more trust in Him. So I participated in voluntary musical performances. The fear began to fall away, even though my performances were still quite inhibited.

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May 25, 1987

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