The spirit of God is the only true spirit you can have

Just as I was waking up one morning, these words came distinctly to thought: There's only one Spirit. The idea was clearly from God; it gave me a deep feeling of peace. But I must admit it seemed pretty abstract. Comforting but abstract.

Why was it important to know this? I wondered. It wasn't something I had been thinking about or questioning, and as far as I could see, I wasn't facing any big problems that related to it. The whole subject seemed worlds away from daily life.

Yet the term Spirit as a name for God has always meant a lot to me. It expresses for me God's incorporeality, His goodness, and the fact that He fills all space. It also points me to another wonderful fact: that man, being God's likeness, is purely spiritual, not material as he appears to be.

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August 18, 1986

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