[Original in German]

Years ago I suffered from vertigo; also, the sight of one eye was...

Years ago I suffered from vertigo; also, the sight of one eye was not right. Examinations by three specialists showed an affliction in the brain. They conferred over the telephone with each other and spoke of its unfortunate location. At any rate, the result of these examinations showed that a brain operation was urgent in their opinion. Upon my request, the physician in charge granted me three weeks' grace before the operation, but not a day longer.

I used this period to put myself under Christian Science treatment. I had many a conversation with the Christian Science practitioner and became more and more calm and assured. I felt within myself, as His beloved child, ever greater trust in the exclusive presence and power of God. The following verse from the Bible was of great help to me (Dan. 10:19): "O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong." During this time of seemingly great need, I learned much.

After the interval of time granted me I again had to consult the physicians. The oculist was highly astonished that both my eyes reacted normally. But the physician in charge was incredulous and doubted it very strongly when I told him that I was fine and didn't have any more difficulties. Thereupon he undertook a very thorough examination, in which he was unable to find any more of the affliction. He was naturally most astonished about this result, but also glad that I didn't have to have an operation.

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Testimony of Healing
I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science
March 1, 1975

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