The more I study Christian Science, the more I realize what a...

The more I study Christian Science, the more I realize what a wonderful blessing it is. It is bringing release from bondage of every name and nature. For over twenty years it has met our needs. Physical problems, including so-called children's diseases, and financial problems have all been worked out in Christian Science. In a family of seven children there have been very few times when it was necessary for them to stay home because of illness.

When one of the children was young, she could not talk plainly because of a speech defect. Shortly after she was enrolled at school, she brought a note home asking permission to send her to a speech clinic. I told the school authorities we were Christian Scientists and we would work it out in Christian Science. This aroused me to get down to business and work this out through prayer. I had been aware of the need before but had not prayed consistently to see the unreality of the speech defect.

One of the statements from the textbook, Science and Health, which was very helpful is where Mrs. Eddy says of the unity of male and female in spiritual individuality, reflecting God as Father-Mother (p. 577): "In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no impediment to eternal bliss,—to the perfectibility of God's creation." I don't know exactly when the healing came, but within a couple of months the child was speaking clearly. This was more than twelve years ago.

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March 1, 1975

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