Today's Blessings

Thoughts from God are as infinite and eternal as God, and their essence is the omnipotent unchanging love He has for mankind. In recording the beautiful message that came to him, St. John said: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16;

The eternal Christ, Truth, was manifested by Jesus, whose demonstrations of the healing, saving power of Truth helped mortals and glorified God. But few understood his doctrine well enough to demonstrate its might. The healing power of Truth was gradually lost sight of during the centuries after Jesus' ascension, and it remained largely hidden till Christian Science was discovered by Mrs. Eddy in 1866.

The demonstrations of Science prove what a man's correct understanding of himself and his present relation to God will do for his health and Christianization. It must be clearly understood that the divine Mind is the only healer, that the so-called mortal mind produces the belief in evil, and that a patient is healed through the activity of Truth that destroys mortal mind's belief.

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Is It Money We Need?
March 1, 1975

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