I am very grateful for the privilege of being a student of Christian Science...

I am very grateful for the privilege of being a student of Christian Science and for Mrs. Eddy's accomplishment in bringing to us the truth of God and His spiritual reflection, man. By leaning on God for guidance I have not only overcome claims of sickness but have also been guided and protected in the business world.

Although I have a degree in electrical engineering, most of my sales experience for the past twenty-five years has been in mechanical and metallurgical engineering, selling and applying equipment for certain manufacturing processes in industrial and chemical processing plants.

In one instance some equipment had been sold to an oil field customer in a remote section in Louisiana by a distributor for the company I was associated with at that time. The equipment was represented as being new, but actually it had been rebuilt to look new. Our customer quickly recognized this and complained. Some unpleasant conversations developed, and the customer threatened a lawsuit, and bodily harm to anyone sent to see them.

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March 1, 1975

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