Divine Law and Food

The student of Christian Science who faithfully studies and applies it experiences increasing freedom from the penalties imposed by material laws—including the common beliefs about food in relation to health. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy assures us: "The power of Christian Science and divine Love is omnipotent. It is indeed adequate to unclasp the hold and to destroy disease, sin, and death."Science and Health, p. 412;

A woman I know had proof that this power was sufficient to heal her of what appeared to be an acute case of food poisoning. Because her distress was so great that she could not pray for herself coherently, she asked her husband to give her Christian Science treatment. He did, and in about five minutes she was healed of the pain. Although she remained in a weakened condition for most of a day, she was now able to work for herself in Science, and in spite of the fact that she did not want anything to eat, she felt sustained, and some strength returned. By the following afternoon she was eating normally, and that night enjoyed a chili dinner with friends and their children. She had no bad effect from eating this food and rejoiced in a complete healing.

How does "the power of Christian Science and divine Love . . . unclasp the hold" of a painful and frightening ailment such as food poisoning? Christ Jesus gave the answer when he taught, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."Matt. 15:11;

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Digestion and Idolatry
May 5, 1973

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