God, the Comforting Mother

God is known to millions as the divine Father of all. Christ Jesus directed his followers to refer to God as "Our Father which art in heaven." Matt. 6:9; But it is not so generally realized that God is also the infinitely loving Mother of the spiritual universe. It remained for Christian Science to reveal the fact that Deity manifests the attributes of womanhood and motherhood as well as manhood and fatherhood. God forms, brings forth, nourishes, and strengthens every individual object in creation, as well as being its animating cause, or divine Principle. As Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health, "Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man." Science and Health, p. 256;

The divine fact of God's motherhood is of vital importance to everyone. When it is understood, it can bring comfort and healing to mortals who are seemingly in need.

In the physical realm it is recognized that a person's experience is greatly influenced by his mother— indeed, that she is essential to his very existence. Obviously, the formation of a mortal is largely the concern of his human mother. The female parent is the strongest influence in a child's life both before and after birth. She nourishes and energizes the new representative of the human race that she brings forth. Her thoughts are largely responsible for his first impressions of the world he is entering. It is natural for a mother to care for and protect her child and ensure his total well-being.

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May 27, 1972

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